Frost blanket: what makes it so special?

When it comes to cultivating crops there have been a lot of improvements in the recent past. The problems that had to be faced head on earlier are nowadays not even problems that bother the farmers. The reason for this is the various techniques and equipment that were developed to make cultivating crops much easier. When it comes to protecting the plants from the extreme climatic conditions, tackling frost is among the top of the list. In short frost is nothing but a thin coating of water vapour that is frozen. This frost when get created on leaves of plants, the result would be very rapid heat loss from the leaves of the plants. This can lead a very dangerous situation where the plants are extremely dehydrated and in extreme cases the plant may even die due to dehydration. The surface of the plant falls below freezing point of water irrespective of the temperature of the surrounding.

frost fabric used for  the crops care
The frost blanket provide the best protection to your crops against the external damages.

The reasons for the occurrence of frost on the plants’ surface can be many. But the problem can only be solved if a method is created to protect the plants from the adverse effects of the frost. And one such method is the usage of a frost blanket. Washing the frost off the plant’s surface is also a solution but this can be very difficult in certain situations. So the usage of a frost blanket is more encouraged over washing off the frost.

Frost blankets made of different materials are available in the market these days. The thing to take care is whether the fabric is porous. If the blanket used is not at all porous, it cannot allow air flow. And if there is no air flow, then there would be extreme complication for the plants to breathe freely. This is not at all a desired condition as a farmer.

The soil will get heated during the day time but as the night falls, the soil slowly cools down and the warm air near the surface of the earth rises up. Also the cold air which is denser than the warm air comes down to fill the space left by the warm air. The aim of using a frost blanket is to make sure that the warm air near the soil is trapped near the plant without allowing it to rise up.

frost fabric used for protect plants
Besides, the frost blanket protect to your crops against the external extreme weather as frost weather of high temperatures.

A Frost blanket is capable of holding back heat. But it is not possible to completely act like a thermos flask. So some amount of heat will escape from the blanket. So it is advised that the blanket is removed during the day time and the air around the plant is allowed to heat up.

Some materials also have the capability to allow light through the fabric. Hence if the blanket is made out of such a material then sunlight can be provided to the plants even if the blankets are not removed during the day time.

Also usage of such kinds of frost cloths can make the production period last a bit longer. Earlier the duration of time when the plants made produce was limited. But with the usage of these frost blankets, plants are far more protected and hence they are capable of producing yield for a longer duration of time.

frost blanket on plants for the protection them
The frost blanket is the ideal method for protection of your crops against the extreme frost weather and other external damages.

Frost blanket can not only act as a barrier to the formation of frost on the plant’s surface but also it can protect the plants from different kinds of other problems as well. For example as far as farmers are concerned, birds are one of the most annoying problems to deal with. There are many instances where the crops are destroyed by birds. These frost fabrics can also be used as bird netting for protection against birds. Also these blankets find application in the field of cultivation as a vertical crop net. These are also capable of protecting the plants from the attack of several kinds of insects. Hence they can also be used as an insect barrier to protect the plant. Another application is that these blankets can make sure that the plants’ surfaces are not attacked by any kinds of chemicals.